How it all started...
In the year 2000, Derrick and Valarie started walking out their missions call. The Leo Project's start began with a trip to Cameroon and an internship in Guadalajara, Mexico. During the early years, the heart for training, pastoring and discipleship grew into going back to the US for more practical training.
In 2006, the Blasczyk family moved to Guadalajara, Mexico to work alongside FIREMexico. A Ministry Training Center was planted and started with over twenty students. The goal was to train individuals for whatever ministry they felt called to do. The MTC grew and eventually had a solid graduating class with tools for ministry.
Approaching 2009, God began to bring changes to the Blasczyk family. A decision was made to move back to the US. In May 2009, Derrick's dad, Chuck, passed away from a yard work accident. Chuck was a dedicated supporter of the mission.
In 2006, the Blasczyk family moved to Guadalajara, Mexico to work alongside FIREMexico. A Ministry Training Center was planted and started with over twenty students. The goal was to train individuals for whatever ministry they felt called to do. The MTC grew and eventually had a solid graduating class with tools for ministry.
Approaching 2009, God began to bring changes to the Blasczyk family. A decision was made to move back to the US. In May 2009, Derrick's dad, Chuck, passed away from a yard work accident. Chuck was a dedicated supporter of the mission.
Expanding the vision...
Mission work was put on hold for a bit due to the death of Chuck. Chuck's vision was to start a business that would eventually FULLY support Derrick and Valarie. Leo is his middle name, and thus The Leo Project was born. We feel that we are taking the vision that Derrick's dad had and expanding on it. The Leo Project desires to resource, equip and come alongside missionaries around the world. It is our desire to assist as many as possible.
Where we are headed...
We are headed to be a full missions organization. We want to send out missionaries and be a spiritual covering for anyone with a desire to spread the good news about Jesus. As a full missions organization, we will train, equip, and send missionaries across the globe to share the message of Christ's love and salvation. We aim to support indigenous ministry efforts and build up local leaders and churches. Our goal is to see disciples made and ministries planted in every tongue, tribe, and nation. We want to come alongside missionaries with prayer, financial support, and care. Our organization will be a home base and spiritual covering for missionaries spreading the gospel in word and deed around the world. We desire to walk with missionaries through all aspects of life and ministry. By supporting and empowering others, we hope to fulfill the Great Commission and see the fame of Jesus spread to the ends of the earth.
As a full missions organization, we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, proclaiming good news to the poor and freedom for the oppressed.
As a full missions organization, we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, proclaiming good news to the poor and freedom for the oppressed.